Unlock LUKs encrypted root filesystem remotely via SSH (RHEL 8/CentOS 8)
In this short tutorial, I will show you how to unlock your luks encrypted root file system on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8, remotely via SSH. To accomplish this task, we will use 3rd party dracut module - dracut-sshd.
Before we begin, we will need some details for our system - Ethernet device, IP address, NETMASK and Gateway.
In this example my configuration is as follow:
Ethernet: eth0
Generate SSH key pair⌗
We need to generate a public-private ssh keys and include them in initramfs.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@
Install dracut-sshd⌗
This Dracut module (dracut-sshd) integrates the OpenSSH sshd into the initramfs. It allows for remote unlocking of a fully encrypted root filesystem and remote access to the Dracut emergency shell (i.e. early userspace). [1]
dnf copr enable gsauthof/dracut-sshd
dnf install dracut-sshd
Enable dracut Network⌗
Here, we add early network capabilities to initramfs. Update network configuration to match your requirements.
cat <<EOF >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/99-network.conf
Syntax is:
Force Dracut initram regeneration⌗
In order to include our SSH keys and dracut network configuration, we will force dracut to regenerate initramfs image.
dracut -f
Flush Dracut network configuration⌗
Since IP address configuration is set via kernel, NetworkManager will not load your configuration from real root filesystem. This will be a problem if you have IP aliasess, bonds, bridge, vlans & etc. configured on your real root.
If your system has one IP address, you can skip these steps.
cat <<EOF >> /etc/systemd/system/flush-dracut-network\@.service
Description=Remove dracut's network configuration for %I
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/ip address show %i
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip -statistics address flush dev %i
Enable systemd unit to flush dracut configuration on our ethernet interface.
systemctl enable flush-dracut-network@eth0
Reboot your machine and test : )
Once the initrd load and network is fired up, you should be able to login via SSH and unlock your encrypted root file system with single command - systemd-tty-ask-password-agent. Here is an example:
ssh root@
initramfs-ssh:/root# systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
Please enter passphrase for disk QEMU_HARDDISK (luks-01a6fbf5-779e-47c0-b7bd-efca0252d5d9)! ********
initramfs-ssh:/root# Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
[1] https://github.com/gsauthof/dracut-sshd
[2] https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3017441
[3] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/506331/networkmanager-doesnt-change-ip-address-when-dracut-cmdline-provided-static-ip
[4] Photo: Markus Winkler